There comes a point when you begin to connect to the dots, when the chosen paths begin to mean something, when the picture starts to reveal itself. It is probably not at all what you had envisioned, but somewhere deep inside, perhaps you always knew. The journey was there for a reason. It was there for you and for the others that have traveled along with you. The strength and comfort that comes from that awareness is amazing and beyond words. Once experienced, it becomes the biggest part of you. So let it unfold. Let your life reveal its lessons. Follow your heart, as it will not lead you astray. Find your passion and let its energy run through you in ways you have never experienced. With that, your real life will begin.
Find more inspirational insights and empowerment lessons in my first book, A Soul’s Journey Home: Returning to Love, now available in paperback and Kindle editions on Amazon.
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In Loving Inspiration,

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If you are ready to start understanding the gift in the challenges of life, schedule a personal session with me. Feel free to call 480-206-7220 or email me at [email protected] to start your journey back to love.
In Loving Inspiration,