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High Vibrational Paintings

Angela Bushman - fine art show

The different colors and stroke movements of each of these abstract paintings carry a different energy, and will invoke different responses within the viewer.

Some pieces soothe, others stimulate, and some invite you to dance, or, perhaps, to let go.

Enjoy the dance of energy within each piece and observe yourself as it touches you. What does it make you feel?

What I often hear, when I ask people this question, is, “Happy.”

My creations have been visions within me for many years.

The beautiful play of color and motion frequently wind themselves through my mind’s eye, for my enjoyment only. They have begun to find their way out and into physical form, to be shared with those who they are meant to reach.

A natural expression of feeling and creative flow for me, painting is yet another tool that allows me to share my unique voice with others. I cherish entering the space of creation and allowing myself to be the channel of physical expression.

(Read more about my inspirational painting process on my blog.)

First I dream my painting, then I paint my dream.” – Vincent van Gogh


Carter BlackI’ve been a painter and illustrator for forty years now and am proud to have made a decent living as a self-employed artist during all this time. But my sessions with Angela, sometimes with paint and a brush, sometimes just verbal, always seem to open up something new.

As an artist Angela is a very intuitive one, and almost just lets the brush and her hand do it all — spontaneous, without lots of thought, and perhaps without the decades of training and experience that I myself have as a painter. But I know that when the creative channels are open, good things happen, and with Angela, this always seems to be the case.

She gets us to step outside our boundaries, the ones we have accepted from others and by many years of repetition and habit, sometimes useful, and sometimes in our way. Angela has helped me to expand myself as an artist and as a human being.

Carter BlackArtistHawaii

Fine Art Galleries


Honorable Mention for “In the Flow” by Juror Lawrence Seward, University of Hawaii Art Department Lecturer at the 43rd Annual Aloha Show

Group Exhibits

Solo Exhibits

“Let the beauty we love be what we do.” – Rumi


All images © 2012 – 2018. Angela Bushman. All rights reserved.