
Finding Your Passion and Purpose
The year has kicked off, and we are being swept along on our way to better align with our passion and purpose. How are you doing in the universe’s flow of helping you continue to find your true self and live an authentic life? Are you seeing things shift before your eyes? Are you finding that the old that no longer serves you is being taking away to allow room for the new to come in? Are you witnessing the changes in your life with a detached objective perspective, or
Live on CBS Radio Show
Join me tomorrow, Friday – January 11th, at 3:00pm ET, 12:00pm PT, 10:00am HT, at for my Radio Interview with Tesa Michaels. We will be talking about how to step into the new year with the tools to create the life you have always wanted to live. Aloha, AngelaNote: If you cannot listen live to this show, please join us on the next scheduled interview on February 8th or listen to the podcast on or on The Sky website listed above.
Holiday Hug
I am feeling the desire to reach out to those of you today who may need a little extra hug. The holidays sometimes bring up feelings of isolation and loneliness in those who are not connected to others in their family or through an intimate relationship. The angels want to send you a special hug and remind you that you are not alone. There are so many beings surrounding you both in the physical form and in the spiritual form that you can call on when you need to. You
Book Release – A Soul’s Journey Home
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Author Angela Bushman Unveils New Book About Awakening Honolulu, Hawaii – After a year in production, Angela Bushman of Oahu is now unveiling her highly anticipated A Soul’s Journey Home: Returning to Love, which is the mesmerizing, personal account of inspiration, transformation, and a quest for an authentic life. According to colleague and friend Jamie Brightlynn, Bushman’s story is one that carries real impact. “I like the way the story goes; it hits most people.” “Angela was a typical, suburban housewife doing what was expected of her.
Creating a Manifesting Blueprint
Manifesting is a word that you may or may not be familiar with. It is a term that describes a process that has become a subject of dynamic conversation in our world. In essence, it means creating with conscious intention. If you find yourself wondering how some people create exactly what they want in their life while others struggle to do so, realize that you are not alone. The truth of the matter is that we are constantly creating or manifesting our world, but many
Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You
Fall is upon us, and the change of seasons is recognizable. For some of us, it means watching the leaves of the trees turn to vivid autumn colors and drop to the ground one by one, as the tree prepares for its annual cycle of shedding. For others of us in warmer climates, it means feeling the first cool breeze across your cheek in the morning and packing away those swimsuits for a while. Change is sometimes hard for us to accept; yet, it is and always will be a
Remembering Who You Are
Aloha, As I sit down to write today, I find myself inspired to ask you this question: do you remember who you are? It’s a question that is fresh in my mind, since I am finishing my first book and preparing to share even more of the journey I have been on, in a quest for my authentic self. What I have found during my journey of self-exploration is that we sometimes lose or suppress parts of ourselves; we find ourselves wanting to fit into our culture, peer groups, jobs, families, and
Searching for Love
Aloha, Today as I write, I find myself drawn to the subject of love. Love is the universal language we all speak, although some may not have heard or spoken this language for some time. So often we find ourselves longing for love. Many times we are searching for love from friends, or members of our family, or from a special someone who can come to cuddle us and sweep us off our feet—and carry us away into the sunset. When this longing begins to emerge, the deep question to
Nurturing Your Body, Mind and Soul through the Power of Nature
Aloha, As I sit in my place in Hawaii, as I am today, and I look out the window, I often see nature sending me messages. I love to stop whatever I am doing periodically and either go outside, or look out the window. I find that a break from a busy schedule with mental processing, coaching or writing can help me to reconnect with nature. This allows a shift in my body, mind, and spirit, which in turn helps me to ground myself and refresh my focus and my energy.