Let Your Light Shine
Within each of us there is a light that shines. It can become dimmed by our experiences, but ironically, these same experiences come to help us to grow, and to lead us back to our inner light. Trust that all is happening for your higher good, for your evolution, expanding you in ways you cannot […]
Rediscovering and Valuing Your Uniqueness
Each of us has a uniqueness that is ours and ours alone. When you rediscover and value your true self, it is then that you can begin to shine in all your glory from the inside out. You have to be brave enough to step past fear of standing in your uniqueness. But once you […]
Letting Life Challenges Transform Your Soul
When you start to understand that everything in your life is there to teach you something, you begin to awaken to the purpose of life challenges. When you begin to understand the value in the struggle that is occurring, you stop resisting the growth and learn to work with the lesson that becomes the alchemist […]
Heart Wisdom
Lead with the Heart…It knows the way to wisdom Angela Bushman Intuitive Empowerment Coachwww.AngelaBushman.com
Inspiration of Healing Fears and Discarding Limiting Beliefs
I recently saw a YouTube video about two Breatharians, Akahi and Camila, interviewed by Lilou Mace of the Juicy Living Tour. Being a Breatharian means you are able to sustain yourself on air alone. Akahi and Camila progressed their diets from vegetarian, to vegan, to raw food, and so on, until they were able to […]
What Is LOVE
Love is not a place outside of you … it is an essence within you from where all else comes. Love is not something you can hold onto … it is something to be experienced and enjoyed. Love is not something you can buy … it is free and expands the more you embrace it. […]
Back from Japan: how one person can make a difference
Well, this has certainly been a great year of travel for me. I have set out to meet the world, it seems. I started the year off going to Australia with a one-way ticket, so I could stay to explore as long as I felt I should—and ended up staying only eight days. That was […]