Writings Along the Way

When I woke up this morning, I knew today was going to be a day of writing for me. I was just in that space. There is a poem I wrote at the beach not too long ago; I typed out my notes on my phone and have been meaning to transfer the text for […]

New Beginnings

Well I have begun. I have opened up the crate of notes I have been hauling around the world with me for the last two and a half years, and I am attempting to review them and find some type of order and meaning to them. For quite a while now, spirit has been talking […]

Back from Japan: how one person can make a difference

Well, this has certainly been a great year of travel for me. I have set out to meet the world, it seems. I started the year off going to Australia with a one-way ticket, so I could stay to explore as long as I felt I should—and ended up staying only eight days. That was […]

Holding the Space

I have been informed by my guidance, for quite some time now, that I am to start sharing all I have learned and currently use in my life. Yes, I have been studying all of this knowledge for quite a while and currently do work with my guidance, and I manifest what I want in […]

Defining Ourselves

Today I feel I have found an answer to a question that I have been asking myself for a long time. Who am I, and what do I do? Through a series of synchronized events, I have realized that I am myself, and my purpose is to be true to that. If I can apply […]